I'm a huge fan of STS and support them with hundreds of dollars (soon to be thousands), but there is one thing I would love to see in the future.

STS has touched on making truly difficult bosses that require team coordination and multiple phases, but at the end of the day there has never been a fight that is actually difficult.

I'm not sure if it is the relatively simplistic nature of the games, but I would love to see a real challenge with an appropriate reward.

Granted, there isn't a way for real time communication, but there really should be a way for you guys to make a real challenge.

As it stands, with all new content people are farming the final boss with ease the day it comes out. In hardcore mmos, it can take weeks for top guilds to down the newest raid bosses. Unskilled players sometimes can't ever down them.

The issue is that in the long run, people are going to get bored with the same repetitive grinding endless times for rare chances at the best loot.

It would be great to see a campaign with really elite bosses that provide an automatic drop of some sort of token. The token should be allowed to be turned in for truly powerful gear that cannot be traded or sold.

Make the bosses very difficult and disallow the use of enhancers for the campaign. Since all SL zones have been free, make this a premium zone that costs plat, as hardcore players would gladly spend it on a challenging and fun campaign that rewards skill instead of endless grind time.

Maybe the first boss gets killed in a day or two, but I think the ultimate boss should not be downed for at least a week, and even then only by top players. He should last a month before most people figure out how to kill him.
