Not sure where to post.
Didnt want to be lost in the deep of suggestion thread of PL/SL.

Could STS consider this?

This way of online payment has grown now for some time in France then Belgium and now it is spreading to Great Britain.
Not sure if you have costumers in the african countries they cover.

I use mostly paypal and my credit card for sts games but since I am paranoid about security sometimes I would prefer to use prepaid card. Its a way of payment I used too for online game in the past. And totally forgot about it until I saw it again while doing shopping lol.

The fact that younger people or people without credit card can use this should b a big plus. And now the potential costumers with Great Britain has just increased.

Also the site is a good platform to attract potential players and costumers.

Hope youll consider this in the futur.