i have been playing for about 7 weeks now and just got my first purple drop today... came from boss of lvl 2 shipyards. i may be doing something wrong ... i have fought mystr figure now 33 times and the best i have seen on drops is green and that was with miners luck. so i just buy my armor and weapons from auction and platinum store. how does everyone get vanity drops and pinks... all i ever see is orange from the mf boss except when i used miners luck. i have used it 5 times now and do not see the value of it.. the best i have got is a green lvl35 shield which no one wants anyway... if you ask me miner's luck is just a waste of platinum as the mf boss only drops orange for me which changes to green. i always hear ppl say there is a second drop as well .. sorry i have yet to see that happen. i am only trying to get 2 things a legendary pistol to go with my shield and make level 36 before the new cap. right now getting discourage as i do not see either being accomplished. either i have no luck at this game or i am doing something wrong i always see everyone with vanity drops but any group i have been in i never see. how does everyone get to 36 so fast with so few kills and get the good drops? i use elixirs just like everyone else but no where near the results... have a hard time getting exp now can only run lvls one and two of shipyards by myself and when i try to join a group i am usually booted by whom ever saying invites only. grrr... just keep plugging but i may soon just give up and go to helping new players as lvl 36 seems unobtainable.