Ok i've always been the mage guy. It's been that way ever since i was born. My brothers noticed my talent in gaming and took it upon themselves to train me in every genre possible. My intrest sparked in rpgs in particular. My first rpg is pokemon which got me into it all.
Over the years ive played many rpgs and PL was my first mmo. Over those years i've also started getting into the dps class. The reckless speedy kills. But i still allways had a soft spot for mages
Now to the good part. I joined PL a few days before the main spine was free. An archer named Typholsion was my first char. Even with all my rpg experience i still came out a total noob by adding str points thinking it would make me stronger (wrong set up for me). It wasn't untill later when i was explained my role. So anyway i allways ran with this group of mages and i was the noob of the tean. I was holding everyone back. They didn't seem to mind. Nothing could get in the way of our friendship.
Now this is when the madness happend and i became beast. Ok so after main spine came out everyone split up. Some stopped playing while others went ahead. Our "friendship" was crumbling slowly.... When even the kindest mage scammed me out of all my money and quickly turned the cold shoulder i came back with a new attitude. I was running a one man war. Trust noone and destroy everything. I was decent in pvp and beast in pve. But sadly one day my cousin came over. I let her play and she wasted my money and useless stuff and deleted Typholsion. RIP.
After that i made a mage named azickeenican. I also learned that i could trust people again. Since i wasn't a noob and i was experienced i thought of azickeenican as Typholsion done right. I later deleted azickeenican for no reason and made a bunch of alts which got me to where i am now. I couldn't decide on wgat class to pick untill now. My heart will forever belong to the mage.