This is entirely my opinion and I'm not trying to flame or anything.

In MT.fang it seems the mobs (levels 2-5 mainly) are easy to kill; especially by a mage or archer. In nuri; however, the mobs were a lot harder, and a bear was almost a must have for any run. In MT.fang before I even get up close to the enemys they're usually already dead. That makes me feel inessential to any team I'm playing with.

Bosses are a different story however. It seems like unless there's a good tank, the whole team usually dies. But tanks AKA warriors aren't just for tanking bosses; they're also for CC (crowd control). In MT.fang there isn't much to control, mobs are very weak compared to MT.fang's predecessors', mobs don't dish out enormous damage (remember gravestones, Tko's, etc. from nuri?) That's what bears where for: keeping one-hit-kills off of the "squishys".

When the next campaign comes out I'd like to see the awesomeness of CC returned. Not just one hit kill everything and leave poor lil' tank in the back.

Feel free to discuss your opinion in the comment section belooooooooww. (imagine slow motion voice)