I thought at first that my pink weapon had an effect while soloing with my operative on map to increase my kill count.
I was eating and playing thus with 1 finger when I notice this:
My operative was standing still not moving and I was just clicking the shoot button, mobs were running away as soon as I hit them.
I was like "oh nice the nova has a repulse effect".

But then after testing ALL (color, type, lvl) weapons I had without moving my operative, it did the same to each vular cultist in grey coat on shipyard 1st and 2nd map.
Its not working on the black coat cultist.
(I tried also other old maps but mobs dont fall back.)

The gray cultists just walk away back (if you dont 1 crit hit) when you shoot at them and dont attack your avatar. 5 cultists coming at you... if you fast target shoot each one of them its 5 cultist running away from you.
I imagine they are not supposed to do that.

It was something I didnt notice before because in the past while we were lvlin in group, we were all in movement usin skills.
Also when I solo I tend to zigzag in corridor.

Dont think its a big issue but I guess this does facilitate soloing for increase kills.
Sy1 sy2 are easy already map with lots of mob.
With cultist runnin away its just easier.