In response to my previous thread asking about using external monitors, keyboards, etc to my existing laptop, I think I've decided that I'm going to invest on an actual desktop instead. I'll just deal with moving around the CPU to and from home. That said, I did a small bit of scouting around in computer shops and got these setups:

One shop:

Second shop:

Basically, I want this desktop for gaming. The cost is in my local currency, so to put it into context I use P50 = $1. Hopefully it gives you an idea of the price.

The options here come as a set, I believe. I think it's possible to customize the set as well, remove some stuff or add some stuff. I'm mostly looking for a good CPU and monitor for gaming.

What do you think? Are they scaled properly? eg, do the options get better or are they just adding some useless stuff to boost the price? I was hesitant to ask the clerks in the store for fear of just being taken advantage of - just to add to their sales. So I thought I'd ask the actual gaming community.

Apologies if the pictures aren't clear, just took a quick photo of their products when no one was looking