Quote Originally Posted by Cytokinesis:490487
Quote Originally Posted by Vearisea View Post
Dude really? 75 plat is only 9.99$
thats kinda mean
It's true IMO, if you MUST have a pet, shovel driveways. If you cant round up ten bucks for something that you deem that important, then it must not be that important. 10 bucks this day and age is really not hard to come by. There's giftcards from visa that go as low as $25, and they are sold generally everywhere. I mean, save your pop cans for a month, mow lawns, shovel snow, and you can make $25 pretty easily.

If it's not worth it to you to put the effort in, then don't buy it and don't complain about expensive vanities that don't affect gameplay. Hell, do free offers for a week or two. I find it hard to believe that anyone who can afford (or parents can afford) a device and the wifi/service needed to play the game, can't scrounge up 10 bucks to buy some plat.
Whether you're 14 or 44, if you're that dead set on it, you'll find a way. If not, you got more problems ahead of ya than a bunch of pixels (or lack of) in a video game.

*This is just my opinion, I understand there are special exceptions for people, and this is in no way directed at my guildmate, Skeletonlord. I'm just tired of hearing about expensive vanities that in no way affect gameplay. Also, Rivet has been given away multiple times, and more to come I'm sure, so keep your chin up guys!*