As I'm levelling up my archer, I keep running into Dex Birds with Bows. So I ask, why are you using a bow instead of a crossbow? The response is almost always, "the best thing I've found so far." I'm sure that's what they think, but I've got to think they're looking at Damage not DPS?

What should we look for in a Dex Bird? I would have thought pure DPS, really that's all I've been working on. I guess I can understand that the higher Damage of a Bow would mean a greater crit. All things equal, if I'm crit'n with a X-bow and a Bow, isn't the speed of the crossbow going to win out in a 2-3 min long battle?

Do Bows have more abilities, boost Dex/Hit/Crit/M-s/H-s or stuff? Do you get more bonuses outta the bows? What gives? Do they have a longer range?

I even hand out excess Purple crossbows I've gathered, and seen only 1-2 toons actually switch to what I gave them. Can't believe there's that many leveling archers running around with pink bows.

And of course, I always check their stats -- that's why I ask 'em. (And I like to make sure my DPS is reputable.) I've found Dex Birds 3-5 levels higher than me with 10-15 less DPS. And I can't see that their hit/crit or anything is stellar enough to justify doing less damage.

Will check when I gets home, but I'm pretty sure I'm a Lvl 34 Pure Dex Build and doing about 87 DPS with a purple crossbow of finesse or something. With focus, my hit/crit jump up to over 200/80 I think. (That was my first "whoa" moment, when I saw an archer wiht some insane hit/crit scores, then figured out the Focus was in play! I'm right up there with 'em...)

Tough to compare as we level, but I'd be interested in hearing about DPS/Hit/Crit rates for uber-archers!