Quote Originally Posted by Jewelsofjane View Post
lmao sorry...... when I saw that you added skimmeys name I about died. So you would classify someone who multitouched, and now that it makes it impossible to multitouch he can't compete now which is why he refuses to play, a pro? no way.....

I'll give it to Xrax and hmmhmm, but... how would we even know if they aren't around to challenge? And has Xrax even played since GCD?, because from what I understand it was a game changer, and those that were good before have become somewhat average. Those that can adapt to the curve are the ones that have been able to compete at the top.

"Now, no wonder there's so many haters, eh?" --- Yes we know.... the reason we named it the rusher.... Please don't misunderstand me, I am in no way defending my guild or the name of it. I like it. It was a joke between me and rush and happened in about all of 2 min, and I never thought anything of it, thinking we would be the only 2 in it forever lol.

As far as a match with rush? It's on, he would love too... even though last match.... I try to be kind and just, I wont save your name this time. So let us know a good time, we will be glad to set that up. Rush loves to play for money too if your interested, but he will do it just for the match if you want.

As time passes, don't underestimate Rush's pvp ability. He may not be in the "top tier" now, but he is not one who is going to stop progressing to get better and be satisfied with as is. If you pvpd him at a lower level and at the current level, you would see what I mean. As I have told my guildies over and over, If you never challenge yourself with those who are tough, than you will never get any better at pvp. You win a few and lose a lot, but in the end your on top. (just realized that rhymed, lmao... umm yea.. Im a nerd, but a smexy nerd )
Hahah I must admit this is funny over a game. I'll play just for the fun of it jewels. Clearly this issue matters some what to you if u you have the guts to go up against 50 other people who would gladly agree with me.