Just kindof an itch that's hit since this's the first MMO I've been involved with in a very long time that's, y'know, actually still got a live playerbase as opposed to surviving off fan community (phantasy star online I am looking Right At You.)

The thing is I can't do art to save my life, and I'd really honestly like someone who can actually do some black and white stuff to lend a pencil to the project.

So, why should anyone care to listen/payattention to what I want as opposed to some other shmoe out there? What is my 'plan' anyway?

Well let's skip schedual for the moment, since it's exam season, and the holidays to boot. Anyone that can do art is probably otherwise occupied, and I would want to have a backlog built up before things get posted.

Instead let's talk story. While I'd like to expand on things we don't see (where who does what in the off hours, dealing with a society that can pop across a galaxy at little trouble or expense, corperations at eachother's necks, etc etc. I want to hve atl east some basis in actual game doings, player happenings, those awesome saves you get when the cavelry shows up in an instance you'd been farming solo... only to get half the frikken level's monster population on your neck (then get saved by three or four people that randomly drop in,) the fluidity of guild formation/dispersion/etc, the 'people attack spamming in the Blackstar' being lampshaded a bit in the rough and roudy behavior of priveteers.

As for art style?

Something along the lines of this seems appropriate. Simple, but conveys proper details.

Full Disclosure. I'm friends with the guy that does that comic, but he has no real experience with Star Legend, and I'd honestly like someone from this community involved. Don't have any set in stone scripts, wanted to fish for interest before working on anything. Mind you since There really doesn't seem to be much in the background of events (outside of item blurbs and the like) I'm going to use broad strokes when dealing with back history and probably get things wildly wrong if new material comes out. Still. I wanna have some fun with our version of the 41st millinia.

So, what would the community like to see if I can get this bird off the ground? Serious? Funny? Slice of life? Huge archs and complex story? Four Square Comics? Me to shut up and let the idea go?