This is another thread about all the complaining going on from Nuri's Hallows.
In this thread I will just make a list of suggestions you may want to do. You don't have to see this, but I guess there will be more complaining then.

1. Show the players you ARE listening. Reply to the negative feedback with a good and explained reason. Don't always reuse the same sentence, as when you do, the players get to more rage.
2. Don't lock the complaining threads, delete them. If you don't want to the players to think you are trying to cover things up. PM the author of the thread that it was deleted because there is a feedback section.
3. When you say you're looking into something, actually do it, one post in the feedback thread states how you say we're working on it. But it isn't changed in any way.
4. DON'T say you will delete any rage posts. If you will, just delete it and no one notices.
5. Show to the players you are listening in a better way. Actually make some changes based on the feedback.
6. Don't pretend you are listening. Don't say, we will do this. This was mentioned in another suggestion, but I think this one is slightly different.
7. Show the players it is money well spent. Make new and exciting content. Don't make the plat per run thing happen. People will complain about this.
8. Make more plat store items. Release things like rings and hats. Make them cost plat. Then lower prices of things like the Winter Fest. Nake the ticket permanent. You could probably earn the same amount of money, or even more.
9. Also add new things like mini games or something. They are optional for plat. They don't really benefit you, but are fun.
10. Make campaigns more exciting. Don't make it always flat ground. WE mentioned this. Mt. Fang isn't really a mountain either.