Quote Originally Posted by Nick41324:522774
Quote Originally Posted by mugen View Post
Hold it sideways and aim with the top peg of the wishbone, I'm deadly accurate with a slingshot. Lol
I loved mine when I was young.
Also ball bearings make the best ammo!
I'm not too sure on the size, but the bearings look to be about 1/3 inch. I really want to get good with the blow dart and sling shot. Maybe to the point of hunting.

In the meantime ill do a little tree stump hunting
When i was younger we had a leegiit blow gun with an assortment of darts. Id go out behind my house, to an irrigation ditch and snipe birds.

Pros - you can miss a bird and the bird usually wont notice cause its so quite. Ive whizzed darts by birds for like 10 min before they had any idea what was up.. lol

Cons - ive pegged many a bird that just flew off with a giant dart in their body..