A great post of info from a mod there, (may help with your decision)

Quote Originally Posted by Hex
^ Exactly right. The entire game can be played completely free and no one will gain a major advantage besides added entertainment and fun through purchasing IAP.

I believe veraxon is aiming for a mass amount of players, who then.. with all of the fun of the game and great community will pay for vanity things in-game to support the company.

Here is a list of IAP (Not mentioning the purchasable exclusive items in the anouncements section)

VIP (Subscription) 1.99$ a month or 20$ a year similar to a party package that contains many different things aswell as if you are a VIP subscriber you are given a higher priority to join your server if it is full.

Mithril coins (In-App-purchase-Currency)- You can purchase mithril coins which is used to buy other IAP items.
(Amber- A free in-game currency can also be obtained through drops or tasks to purchase IAP for free)

Bag space (Unlockables)- Increase The amount of items you can hold in your inventory or "Bag"

Character unlocks (unlockables)- Unlock up to Ten character slots

Island (Adventure packs)- Seperate "Fun" zones not relating to the world of midgard world that will have new monsters and fun places to explore. Offered in the store as "Adventure packs" There will also be fan-made quests on the islands (Quests made by us in the quest suggestions section!)

permanent mounts (Items)-purchase a mount permanently to keep and use. (Mounts can be rented in-game without purchasing anything but by using in-game free currency)

Armour (Items)- Tier 2 armour that is near the best but isn't the best, the best armour can only be obtained through hard work in dungeons. This armour is to help those who don't have the time to farm all day long like others.

experience multipliers (Items)- Gain more experience for a set amount of time while playing.

and many more things to be added such as vanity costumes.