So I wrote support about this a few days ago but I think I just got ninja'ed and hoping for fourm help aswell as dev help :-)... What happen is I made the char codythemage & I didn't like a few things I did (stats and skill points plus about 3 deaths) so I decided to delete and remake rather then spend plat I don't have on skill reset and stat reset & deal with deaths, so when I went to make it right after I deleted it, it said name taken... So I waited and Tried again, and again..... And again but same reply even days later that it was taken sooooo I'm making this thread hoping it isn't and there is just an error and i can get my name or someone here has it and would give it up to me which would be super super nice
Here are my char's names
& stankylecartm
As you can see by my other names but stankylecartm lol it was my name at one point and I just want it back
