That guild size can afftect a players gameplay? So on my bird rebeliousbird i joined fallen angels i nothing bad about the guild a friend is in it people come and go alot chatter quite a bit but the weird thing is that only on that toon i get frame freezes like 150 ping lag. But i go to any other toon and no frame freezing just that one. So i do an expiriment to back up my theory and so i leave guild, no frame freexing for 5mins have friend invite me back, and what do you know frame freezing starts again. So note to guild masters having a really large guild isnt really the way to go i would say friend said theres 3k+ members and 150+ get on at a time so thats alot of people plus the ones thst join and the ones that leave in the day. Anyways im not bashing on the guild jot flaming it just sharing an observation i have made and thanks for reading this if you got this far without saying pshhh hes tripin ;-) lol