I made another thread about this a while back, but i thought of more ideas.
So humania will make a 71 elite cap thus completeing the elite vanity set(unless ur one of the lucky ones with a vanity weapon slot)
But it would be cool to cap off at 75 after that, it would eliminate the elite lvl thus reducing plat spent. BUT i thought 71-72 could be 20k xp, 72-73=30k, 73-74=40k, and to 75 50k xp. I think that would encourage elixir use. And as an incentive to reach it, make an elite 77 dungeon (since u can join to lvls below. Like the old frozen nightmares that disabled potions it would be awesome if elixirs were disabled here, and along with the stronger enemies the dungeon should require more skill and teamwork. Just some ideas that i think would be AMAZING, thanks for reading(hopefully some devs )