Well, there is some objectiveness to the term "elite cap".

You can either consider, as some do, that it should be difficult to get to, meaning you do it "fast". The term fast is arbitrary. Who knows what fast is?

You can also consider the cap to be a reward for players that continue to grind it out for an extra 10 levels. This is the way I see it. I don't think it has anything to do with being elite. Because lets be honest, there isn't much that is elite about grinding on elixir for a week. Don't get me wrong, a lot of elite players do it. But there are also a LOT of players at the so called "elite" cap that are far from elite.

So maybe we should reconsider the definition of the "elite" cap vanity. In my opinion, the people that continue to play pockets legends beyond the normal cap, that grind all the way to the "elite" cap should be awarded just as much as those that grind with elixirs. While they maybe are not directly contributing financially to STS, they do contribute by keeping activity in the game at a much higher level. When the population is high, more people join, more people play, more people stay.

So... in conclusion, I agree with what WoundedEagle said. Lowering the elite cap would be a great idea.