Hello, Opalmauk here! I'm here to inform you about fast and sufficient leveling. Sure, you could get a high level to help you level, but everyone doesn't have the privilege. To level fast you need to know which maps to go to at which time, and that's where i come in . I will show you which map to go to at which time, which will lead to sufficient leveling (to be fast you would need a full party of some sort). OK without further ado here is my very first GUIDE!!!

as you know you start off at level 1
for sufficient leveling you want to level at forest haven (preferably at Skeleton Cult Crypts) until level 8
I say level 8 because once you reach that level you have access to the next map, which is the Dark Forest

You will be at Dark Forest for a very small amount of time because you only need 5 levels to access the balefort castle dungeons.
It doesn't matter which dungeon you use for Dark Forest, honestly i think they are all very similar.

Balefort Castle should also pass by fairly quickly (if you go to correct map).
for sufficient leveling at BC go to The Hidden Passage (4)
there will most likely be other people at this map (maybe even high levels!)
This is one of the rare maps that has enemy regeneration, which basically means that the enemies will come back even after you kill them.

For Fathom Crypt you will also be going to an enemy regeneration map (another hidden passage)
this one is smaller than the one in balefort but it's still sufficient leveling because of the enemy regeneration.

Sadly, this leveling will not be as fast as the others
but, you can still level sufficiently if you stick with a party and rmk (remake the map) continually.
I prefer the Lost Expedition maps for the leveling but you can also rmk at the Sand Caves (Which cost plat).

This leveling will be similar to 23-28, but slightly slower (slower because the xp amount increases with every level)
rmk at Ancient Swamps is one way to level from 28-33, but if you have access to plat I strongly suggest buying the Croc Feud maps (which are enemy regeneration maps)
this process will be slow and annoying but you can do it!

You will be at Alien Oasis for a long time (do to the 3 parts it has)
The 1st part you will be leveling from 33-38 by rmking like in ancient swamps.
once your 38 you have access to Part 2 which is more sufficient leveling (especially with full mage party)
38-43 shouldn't take too long, but remember you are getting to be a high level, and the xp is continually increasing
Part 3 is the best of the Alien Oasis Trilogy
there are multiple things you can do (for leveling up)
once your 48 you have access to balefort sewers, but there usually aren't many parties there.
you will often get booted from good parties that you find if your level 48, so if you wish to get to sewers get to lvl 50 first
personally i would stick with Alien Oasis part 3 until your 53

This will take you a long time and might be annoying at times
Not many people do these maps (Nuris Hallows)
For the most sufficient leveling here, find a decent party at the Haunted Symphony (first dungeon of the Nuris Hallows)
you will have to continually rmk at this place for a decent amount of time

58- (65-66)
This will be hard but not as hard as 53-58 because there are so many parties made at Mt. Fang (which is where you go for 58- (65-66) leveling)
for Mt. Fang you can rmk at any map, but for best most sufficient xp go to Fang Crypts
once your 65 you could try for 66, but that is no easy task. You'll need 100k xp, and you will only get 1xp per monster you kill.

Daily Elixers
Daily Elixers are very convenient for fast in sufficient leveling
they are used once a day for only 5 minutes, but the 5 minutes can level you up very quickly if you use correctly
be sure to use these daily elixers DAILY!

And thats how to level up!

If you have any questions feel free to reply to this thread or pm in game, and ill do my best to answer all of your questions

Thank you for your time and I hope this guide will help you all level up!

I will be on the following characters:

Opalmauk- 66 bird / Saphiremauk- 63 mage
Diamondmauk- 51 bear / Twinklytank- 17 twink bear
(I have other accounts but i use these most often)