this is a lvl 32 bird called birdmasta that recently went to 56. It is a pure dex kite build.

-shivering talon
-shivering armor
-shivering wing
-any dex helm 25+
-ring: golden band of technique

-6 focus
-6 evade
-2 repulse shot
-1 blind shot
-3 root
-6 blast shot
-1 shatter
-6 break armor

this build is not meant for fighting mages. u fight a mage and ur screwed lol


-charge in with buffs and do break, repulse, root, blind, shatter, blast
-it should one hit ko. if doesnt then kite
-let the enemy come to u then use repulse. dont let him come relly close.
-after repulse is break, root, use blind, but u have to circle around him, and then shatter blast
-usually i ended with full hp after these kite fights
-type of opponents
(copper bears are easier for dexbirds than shivering because shivering got range.)
-not a lot of dex birds and most of them arent pro so a nuke would work.
-mage-.- ur dead
-warbirds and bears kite