Hi all! Some of you may know me as Zamu in game.

Right now both of my mains are mages, Zamu having 110 str, 20 dex and 150 int, and Deekstar having 10 str, 135 dex and 135 int.

I've decided i want to use the dex mage, because even with the added str and armour, zamu still dies easily in nuris. I dont have the time to focus on 2 toons, i wanna just focus on 1 of them and get it to the 60s.

But what i want to ask, if which name would YOU like to see me as? I more popular as Zamu because i've spent hours on him, and Zamu has always been my gaming name. But i like Deek, its easier to type and cooler in convos.

So should i go as Zamu or Deek?