Quote Originally Posted by deathish View Post
hey i spent countless hours in towne on my 1st million once u get it going its easy and everyone can do it. use the trade market too.
Sitting in town all day? I'll pass lol, buying and selling virtual items isn't my cup of tea

P.S Im so over noobs asking me about my pl shield "what shield is that", "how did you get it?" "why did the devs give it to you?", " can I buy it off you.", "can I look at it in trade?", "why isn't it tradable?", "if I give away free stuff will I get one?", "why don't I have one?"

I'm over my giveaway aswell, I worked in a kitchen for 12 hours yesterday mostly washing up and I finaly got home at 11pm and logged in and had over 2 pages of friend requests and one guy constantly asking me for pinks I had to put him on my ignore list and I've never ignored anyone...