Based on what information has been released about Dark Legends, we'll be Vampires against everyone else. If my friends here know me by now, i have never tried to create a guild or any sort of organized party. I have many ideas. No bias in entry requirements or such.

So i am looking for someone to discuss ideas with. I have many. I am just looking for other people who are interested in starting a new guild, that will hopefully, be near perfect. I'm naming my guild construction black project, D2.

D2, as i picture it, will be amazing. Add me as a friend and PM me if interested. I might make a group to invite select people once a few things are solid stepping stones.

It helps if you:

Know much about vampire mythology, and what i consider to be quality vampire movies. I.e. Bram Stoker's Dracula, Interview with a Vampire, etc...

Have been or is currently in a successful guild, or have contributed to the creation of a lively guild.

Dislike wussy sparkling vampires (jk)

Have a habit of making blood-curdling screams at the sight of the Sun.

Or msg/add me on fb here hax0r l!nk?