Hello everyone, i've been playing PL for more then 1 year now and just joined the forum.

The sentence 'helping noobs is good karma ' is seen by most players as a joke, or a way for spacetime to gain aid from others cause the AoA's cant be online forever!
I was once that player, noone helps me, why would i help others?
Beggers, newbies, and more low lvled Players(even high lvled) thought i was a total zero!
But today i was announced a hero, by 3 newbies and it made me laugh!

Its been 2 weeks since i started to help newbies and i could tell you from experience,
Helping noobs is good karma , is totally true!
I made 800k gold in 2 weeks from only helping low lvled players, how you ask?
First i made a lvl 1 twink (ikbenkaas) and a lvl 10 twink (Kringspier)
Then when people asked me for gold, items or ways to lvl up i help,
Why not on my high lvl char? Well this is the way for new player to actually watch and see how to do things rather then heard or been told, and ofc, its more fun for yourself if you help them with a char thats in the same lvl area!

By doing so, i came across 7-8 low lvld players that had high lvld chars without even knowing, so after the enjoyable boosts they gave a pinks, holiday items, even vanity (hoochhat)!
And now my twinks are sickly geared and its still fun to help them every day!

Ofc this is my opinion and fun for me, could be that other players think different!
Atleast I could play the way i like, this is my fun and im sticking to it

Thanks for your time to read it and if you have any further questions or suggestions, ill be online most of the time, thx again and for all you newbies out there, dont do drugs

Characters: shajan, dranzard, eramore, moltarion, ikbenkaas, kringspier, malturion, tharion, sylvalias!