Find Me... Win a Prize... PT 3!!!

Friday's **Find Me** didnt go as well, as I did not have as much time(2 hours less) than usual. And as no one from the forums won, we are going to up the ante. The rules are the same...

Find Me, *nobunadaoda* Wandering about each normal in game town. I usually wait in each town anywhere from 3-10 minutes, then i switch areas. I could be hiding in tents, or in a crowd, or virtually anywhere. Once you find me, you must say:
"Found You!" And use the Celebrate Emote, or if i do not reply right away, add me as a friend, then message me "Forum Contest." by using the /t command. When someone finds me, the contest is over and you will be awarded 2 Anarchy Points. At the end of the Week, when the tournament contest is over, the person with the most Anarchy Points, or AZ Pts, or AZP Will have the chance to redeem his/her prize. 1 AZP is worth about 750g, or xp runs to get you leveled 1 full level. (2 levels if you are level 19 or less) The Contest will take place throughout the day, from 7:00 am Central Standard Time, to 2:30 pm CST.

The Tournament Contest will start Today, Monday, The 13th of February, 2012, and will end on Friday, the 18th of February.

If in the event that no one finds me, no one will be awarded points. If in the event that two people find me at the same time, the prize will be split in between the two. If in the event that at the end of the contest there is a tie between two people, then if possible, we will do either PvP, or if that is not possible, we will choose by the Closest Number.

NOTE: Because of a other people, that know or have already seen me, I require anyone that finds me, when i ask what you are playing for, to say -> "Anarchy Points" or "AZP" If you do not, i cannot reward you, to make it fair.

So for all of you seekers out there, look out, look out, look out for that bear! I will be waiting! Have Fun!