I've been playing PL for a while now.. Two char, lvl66,65. The whole time I've played I've used Thrasher, Crazy dumpster and now Shamrock. I've spent well over $600 on plat. Im highly upset with the luck garbage elixir that comes along with thrasher & crazy dumpster! They only work in Alien oasis dungeon. Can't tell me different. Im on elix 24/7.. What's the killer part is I've been on elixir and no one else in game is.. Pink drops... Guess who doesn't get it?? Me!! Every time! So.. I did a test.. I bought the 100% re-roll shamrock elix.. (Have Several times, same results) Played crypt ... No one else had any elixir.. Edward dropped sanguine leather, vamp dropped sword.. Two players with no elix at all got the pinks! Talk about pissed! Now take in mind ppl, this has been going on since Nov! Is any STS devs are reading this.. Then you should know how much money I spend.. Well no more!! Its bad enough I've been a lvl66 for ages now.. I can't control that.. But you taking my money with these false advertised elixirs I can control.. No more plat for me! I know Im not the only one cheated!!