Well, we are just all little pixels in a game, but I'm sure we all have outside lives too.

Much like the people behind the players thread, how about we share some information about each other to get to know each other better.

We could have things such as,

Where you are in education/life (elementary school, middle school, high school, college, graduate school, graduated, occupation, etc)

An accomplishment you are proud of in the last year

What sort of phone you own

Anything else you'd like to share!

I'll start.
I am a junior in high school and going through some of the most stressful times of my life. Forgive me if I have come off in the last week as a prick.

I'm most proud of receiving a 2380 on my SAT this past October, when I took the test for the first time. For those of you who don't know, the SAT is a standardized test that most every single college applicant takes to measure their aptitude for college. A perfect score is 2400, and about 4000 people in the nation get my score or better each year. To put this into perspective, 3200000 people graduate high school each year.

I own an iPhone 4s, and it's pretty nifty!

Please keep in mind the rules for the forum before posting:
"The best way to stay safe online is to NEVER share your real name, phone number, address, email or passwords. Please do not disclose your, or anyone else’s, private information."