It's Official...

Clowny is quitting Pocket Legends

I would like to say good bye to ALL my great friends I have met playing this game. I would like to list a few that I have felt helped me exceptionally well in this game. If your name does not appear do not feel like I dont recognize what you have done. There is just too big of a list of friends I have made on this game.

Xenon-/Rawr-/Shadow-thegod - My bro... You have made my gaming experience so great by leveling me, giving me tips, and just being a good friend

Caspius/Avianics/Twofinyx - My PL BFF... You have been such a big help by giving me advice, leveling some alts, and also being a epic friend and guildy

Anglfyr - For leveling my mage back in the sewer days non-stop from 1-55! Thanks sis!

Mysticaldream - For all the help in game you have done

Mawfy (Mothwing) - For being such a great friend... I wish you well!

Jaytb - For some of the help on forums and in game

Drekkthar - For leveling me some ingame

Conradin - For bringing me into AEO for a while

Beanmachine - For including me in a video

ALL my guildies in Triumph... Thanks for taking me into the guild and sorry that I could not stick around for very long... I wish you all goodluck in the future!

You all will be missed,
