Three days ago my old friend Smoae logged on. We chatted and he let me in on a PL easteregg. He told me there was a secret daily quest in Swamp towne called the frog hunter (although it's not really a quest because theres no reward) I naturally didntbelieve him so I asked a few trusty sources (Redryder, Rangepwnsmeel (Apollo) and NecroReaper and they all confirmed it. So I asked Smoae to show me. He showed me it (I've dine it 3 times now) and I made a guide to show you guys how, although I bet many of you already know about it. I asked Parth (Apollo) why STS doesn't add the quest to the list. He thought that they probably were testing this type of quest and forgot to take it off.

The Frog Hunter Quest


-Must be lvl 35
-have the frog hunters bow (can be looted in boss brawl)
-have 75 dex
-be able to where a toad leather tunic
-be able to kill a lvl 35 frog (as tough as a croc but your bow sucks)

The start:

Go into the swamp towne while wearing the frog hunters bow. You'll see a sign for four eyed jacks shack (I knew he wasn't there for no reason!!!) enter the shack while wearing the bow and talk to him. He will tell you all about hunting frogs (blah blah blah skip it) and then offer you the quest. Accept it and he will tell you to wear a toad leather tunic for camo.

After that come a tricky part. It tells how to do this in the quest sheet but it isnt very clear so ill explaign it better. Go Into towne (or a swamp game) and Find a pool of water with lilypads. That means there's frogs there. Use the GRrrrrr emote to lure them out.

The frog will then emerge. They look an awful lot like crocs (a bit of recycling there STS ehh?) but without snouts and their legs are long and spindly. Kill the frog and go back to talk with jack.

Sorry for the crappy pic I had pixle double on at the time to avoid lag. I zoomed im to see it a lil clearer.

So go to jacks and he'll tell ya to boildmthe frog and hang it to dry. So take it to one of those giant pots in scale field farms and tap the pot. Your char will do a thing kind of like the clap emote except only once. After you do that go to a hanging rack (available in swamp towne) and do the same thing. Then go talk to jack and he will say come back tomorrow for some more huntin. Here's picks boiling and drying

Enjoy!! I am hopefull there's quests for those who are'nt dex hiding somewhere too! Have fun hunting.

Thx Smoae