Hey guys,

Just checking up on Facebook and found this: http://www.facebook.com/darklegends (the newest post). By the time of writing, the post was posted 2 mins ago.

Here is a quote from the article:

"Dark Legends is set in an alternate version of Earth. Here the battle between Humans and Vampires has been fought in the shadows for millennia. Recently the Vampire Nation decided to make their existence known to the public, in an effort to live alongside Humanity.

Unfortunately many Humans distrust and fear their newfound neighbors and so Vampires often find themselves the target of crime and persecution. Some shady organizations hunt them outright and their goal is to exterminate all vampires – regarding them as aberrations and demons.

The game is set in Carvina, a fictional city in North America. An unusual number of Vampires call this city home and it’s considered a safe haven. With the sudden disappearance of the city’s Vampire Queen things have gone from bad to worse. Internal squabbling and power plays have become opportunities for Vampire Hunters to gain a foothold. Now the city is on the brink of outright war between Humans and Vampires."

"With Dark Legends, we make it easier than ever before to play with your friends, as well as make new ones. In dungeons, you may choose to play multiplayer, which will automatically try to match you up with other players of your level.

If you make new friends, adding them to your friends list will make it really easy to play with them again. You can even go straight to the world map and see little icons next to the dungeons that your friends are playing, making them simple to find.

For Android devices, we take advantage of the new Android Beam™ technology. This will allow you to add them to your friends list by simply tapping your phones together, or if you’re already friends, teleport to their location in the game."

Read the full article here : http://sknr.net/2012/04/05/dark-legends/