As of now, PvP is just for fun. I got a proposal for a reward system for it.

For ever match you win, you earn a certain number of Bravery Badges (Devs can say what's reasonable). The number you get depends on performance in-game (So the more kills you get the more badges) as well as a bonus set depending if your team wins or lose.

You can then redeem the badges at a possibly new NPC (Maybe Rewards Trader or something to those lines). You also have to be at least Level 13 (Essentially have dominated the Forest Haven). I'll let the costs be decided by the Devs too to what they find reasonable. The type of rewards I am thinking of are:


The first two are self explanatory. You can exchange a certain number of Badges for a set number of Gold or Experience.

For Equips I would like to explain in a bit more detail. They are essentially existing gears just with boosted stats. There would also be 5 Tiers for these items. 1 being the weakest boost and cheapest and 5 being the most expensive with incredible boosts. They will also all have unique designs on them (For Armors) as well as a Special Aura-type Effect (With 1 having none and 5 having the fanciest one and for Armors only). These effects essentially "stack" up with previous Tier effects. So a Tier 3 would have all the auras from Tier 1 and 2.

To prevent lag, these effects shouldn't be too fancy but enough to be noticeable to show off accomplishments.

For weapon effects, it would be more towards fancier designs than the Auras.