Now that Dark Legends is out, I've decided to come out of STS hiatus and give it a shot. I must say that I am quite impressed with what STS has done.
In a nutshell, I love the turnaround that STS has made with this game. Yes, there are parts in the game that may be nostalgic for PL/DL players, but it definitely is an entirely different game. I love the fact that STS promised us a lot of things in this game, and they delivered in my opinion. Although there are some things that I wish didn't exist or at least improved.

The following is my feedback, both pros and cons:


1. The graphic features of DL transcends both PL and SL. We can notice the improved detailing in the character skin, environment, sprites, and all the other little facet of the game.

2. The environment is actually more interactive now. We can enter multiple houses and even destroy furnitures!

3. Great gameplay variation. We get a little touch of browser-type gameplay wherein a small cinematic cut-scene is shown and you get to collect the rewards. However, we still get to play the typical hack-and-slash game.

4. Achievements. 'Nuff said. Players have been asking for this both in PL and SL, and we finally get it in DL.

5. Full character customization. We can mix and match any vanity we want.

6. Gems instead of armors. I love this. Typical MMOs have separate armor sets for different classes. Since DL doesn't have specific class, you get to pick ANY gem equipment that you think would be best. On top of that, other players could not see what gems you use, so you can actually keep it a secret if you wanted to, hence making your character different from everyone else. Same goes will talents.


1. The dreaded energy bar. It just flat out sucks. 25 Energy is not even enough to complete half a campaign. What's worse is that it takes FOREVER to refill.
Suggestion: Increase the default energy bar to at least maybe 50 and speed up the refresh rate OR make the platinum purchase cheaper. 10 plat for 25 energy is not nearly reasonable.

2. Buying experience with platinum. Worst idea ever. In a matter of days, this feature will completely turn DL into the dollar dominated game that the players hate.

I can list a bit more problems with this game, but they are minuscule considering the game just came out today. Just please, do something about the energy system. It is killing the game for all the players.