Right now, Alterra (at least at endgame) is dead. No one is coming on! How can we keep interest? We can't have STS keep on putting out campaigns, especially with 2-3 other games! Also that gets some people annoyed (like the 61-66 switch). What I think would keep us into the game would be add-ons.

If some of us "oldies" look back and try to remember we each have our own favorite cap. I think way back to the 45 cap. I think this cap should be the model cap for STS. Of course, everyone starts playing at the cap's release, but then people slowly drop out. At this cap they added numerous add-ons to get us excited to pick up the game. There were shock lances, red scarab bow, royal staffs, numerous helmets redesigned, and more! Now what can we expect going into Humania?

Now we have to compromise. We have several player ran tournaments keeping us interested. If we were to get a few extra items thrown in. Not at the cap, but maybe halfway to the next cap. Once majority of us hit the elite cap and get our PvP rush we start to become inactive. Now imagine farming, learning to use new weapons, and more all over again!

What do you guys think about this? Would this keep you interested? Do you have any other suggestions?

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Post them below!