I decided to finally give Pvp a try! I took my level 10 bird into a 3 vs 3. One team had 3 and the other had one so I joined the 1. The game was almost over and after it was everyone left except for me and a bear. He beat the crap out of me so I decided to delete my bird and make a bear. Haha. I got to level 10 in less than an hour and decided to try again. Same thing- I found a 3 v 3 that had 2 players on one side and 1 on the other. When I spawned I saw the battle was already going on so I went to help my teammate. After I killed one of them he said "wtf, 1 v 1". His team mate said "he must be new". I told them I was new and they were pretty cool after that. I thought they were double teaming my teammate but maybe one was just standing watching, Idk cause I went in blasting. Haha. Those guys left and it ended up being me and another bear. When I killed him, I'd just stay in the map and try to get an orb to refill my health. When I killed him he would leave and then rejoin the map with full health. Is that common procedure?

I just wanted to ask that, see if I were wrong in just jumping in guns blazing and introduce myself. My level 10s ign is kitenstomp ( kite n stomp not kitten stomp. Lol). I'm going to stick with level 10 where there are fewer skills and strategies and work my way up to end game. I have a level 20 Mage, 30 bird, 50, 56 and 61 bears, 65 Mage and 66 bird.