Level Editing. Have you ever wanted to design and publish levels? Well, now you can! Level editing could be an amazing new feature for Pocket Legends and even Star Legends!

Level editing is a component in most MMO/Racing games, and it would be a cool idea to add a level editor feature for Pocket Legends.

Of course, adding a new "level editing" feature would need a all new interface and game mode. We would need a "Level editor" mode in order to design/test user generated levels!

It could be fully customisable, for example, adding structures and gameplay elements (Oil spills, Banana Peels, you get the idea).

As you design your levels, you can enter a command such as /savelevel (levelname) and /loadlevel (levelname).

There could be single player or co-op modes implemented as well so you can design with friends!

As well as designing levels, there could be a "sharing" area. Once you have fully completed designing and testing, you could upload it for others to download and play. You can connect via facebook and post a status update with a link to download your level.

Design, share, play!

That is it for my idea! Please support the idea with comments and feedback below!