I have come to notice in my recent venture into the land of pvp that alot of you who do this regularly are very rude and cocky to new comers.
To the point of flamming about skill or armor choice, and to someone new to the game or just to pvping this could totally steer them away from the game or pvping entirely. Your job as a veteran pvper is to help newbies and point them in the correct direction, for example. Instead of making fun of my armor choice how about telling me what a better choice would be or maybe give a hit in better tactics.
All in all remember it's a game, let's all have fun and help each other, not flame and heckle like children, I really expected more trying out pvping but sad to say
after my experience today I won't be trying it again for a long time. Think Ill stick to pve and helping out newcomers, thanks.