Hi, I'd like to find out if I've been banned from posting comments on any of the Space Time Studios Facebook pages (Pocket Legends, Star Legends, Dark Legends). Reason I ask is because I have the Pocket Legends page liked and I can't seem to reply to any comments or even write on the wall either. I tried liking the Star Legends page to see if I could reply or post a comment on there as well but to no avail.

If I'm un-banned could I possibly be un-banned? I don't know what I did wrong at least I don't remember what I said. I think it might have been something stupid when I quit playing some time last year or so for a while but I'm not sure I honestly can not remember what I did wrong to have been banned.

I apologize if I have done anything wrong to get myself banned from posting on the pages and if this could be over turned it would be gladly appreciated as I'm quite active on Facebook and I sometimes go there or at least I used to go there when I was able to, to find people to play with in the game and to interact.

Thanks for any help anyone can give me and I greatly appreciate any Staff Response.

--Nick aka TearGod.