Hello everibody!!!Who hawe cool idea for pocket legends post here.

Here is mine:We wil ned to make lux world with special shops and other cool items-but mist hawe like 50 k to look in or 25 plat (not give just for look).Next cool idea is make special pots what can buy for plats,do quests,find it somwhere-There is some ideas for potions(pots)otion for bigg size,small size,potion for hide-enemies cant see you and fire potion (fire your weapon for extra dmgs).

Ideas for lux world is:shop: with super rings like infinitiv big or small size,invinitive hiding...
Magic shop:Special scrols what can make 200 dmg when you tuch enemie for 20 sec,paralize scrol-paralize all in area for 30 sec shield scrol (block 50% attack for 40 sec)and some like that.

Like,coment and say new ideas (ps.admins must see this)