Nooby here, and just started playing over a month. My two toons started off from different routes, one was built more for offensive (high on Att/Dmg/DPS) and the other was inclined toward defense (Def/HP) and they both eventually reach lvl21. I feel there are vast differences between the two game plays in 3D missions as well as in PvP.

Offensive minded
- Power skills seems to be much more powerful, a charged VS can easily kill enemies even before doing the leap.
- Power re-charge (or you call it cooling off time or something like that) seems to be faster
- Finish off enemies/ bosses in double time (This is a huge advantage)
- Feeding during the mission is a must. Miss on one feed, I am dead. So re-running same solo mission and knowing the feeding points make completing the mission a walk in the park
- Fare slightly better in PvP (I feel that I recovered from stun faster)
- Attack button (i.e. wielding of weapons) is very responsive

Defensive minded
- Power skill seems to do less damage, a fully charged VS + Leap normally kills the enemies but not everytime...must follow up with FB or Hellblades
- Cooling off took quite long...ended up with no power available for use and have to make a quick get away from the enemies
- HP Regen is fast
- Need not worry about when to feed or missing one feeding point
- Takes longer time to kill enemies in both PvE and PvP (so in PvP, i died before i could kill my opp lol)
- Slaughtered to the bone in PvP everytime (or perhaps its just skill)
- Attack button is very sluggish...seriously

I thought at first it was the tablet but I tried changing weapons from Electric Headsman to Firebrand and notice that attack button is more responsive when using does DPS value affect the sluggishness of the attack button? Is everyone experiencing the same thing or its just my lousy tablet

What puzzle me the most is there any relationship between the offensive built and the damage caused by the power skills?

Thanks to Dev team...i enjoy the game. keep up the good work