Character VS computer is back, but this time it is in DL!! This is not a real VS I am looking for 10 DL player to be the next contestants for Character VS computer!!


What is Character VS Computer? It a fun forum game where you vote for either the player of the game or the boss/computer of the game, the person with the most votes wins!!

here are some links to check out our past VS contests!


How do I apply to be in the VS?

First you will need to fill out this application below, and post it in this thread.

Characters name:


Why I want to be in VS:

What boss/computer I want to VS:

How will I be picked?

Me and two others will choose the top 10 people!

NOTE: you have tell June 10th to apply


This time around there will be prizes for the top three!

First place: 10k and gets to join the group CvC winners!
Second place: 5k
Third place: 1k

Thank you for your time!
