Wondering if there could be prizes or rewards or something for playing everyday. For example 1,000 gold for logging in 2 days in a row. 1,500 for playing 3 days in a row. 2,000 for 4 days in a row... etc. Or it could be 1 platinum for 2 days. Or gold and platinum or some kind of thing items even.

Or/and maybe there could be prizes for playing a long time. For example you play for an hour then log off you get 1,000 gold for 2 hours 2,000 gold. Or platinum or other variations of prizes.

Ways to prevent misuse of these prize systems could be to give these prizes only to people who have been signed up for a certain time like a month or a week or more than a month. This way they couldn't create multiple accounts to trade the gold or prize to their main account.

Ways to prevent misuse of the second idea for playing for a while could be having to actually be actively playing the game so they couldn't just leave their device on and gain prizes.

Just suggestions. I've seen this in another game where they give you a grenade or something for logging in.