New characters. We all get bored of the same character all the time. How to resolve this problem you may ask? By creating a new character of course

Skeletonlawd is my newest member of my "skeleton" family, and I am currently level 10. I am aiming on levelling this toon (if you do not know what a toon is, read further) up as much as I can before Humania hits hopefully in a few days (Apple Approve ).

If any of you are interested on knowing my base stats and skill infomation, read below. You might be able to find me a good guild or anything like that.

Attributes and other infomation:

Total Str : 56 (Thats right, Im going pure str)
Total Dex : 2
Total Int : 1

Hit Percentage : 65%
Health : 628
Damage : 32-62
DPS (Damage per second) : 39
Armor : 14

Skills information:

Vengeful Slash - 2
Stomp - 2
Rage - 2
Taunt - 1
Crippling Slash - 1
Super Mega Slash - 1

If any of you have any builds or skill organisation infomation, please post it below. As always, if you have any other feedback (Anything at all) post it all below. Lets put this thread as a warrior level 10 discussion for the time being!