Ok so I'm not exactly sure what part of the forums to put this thread in or if it even belongs here, but I have a question. I talked with many friends who told me it was possible if I email sts but I tried emailing and got a rather odd response.

The question is this- Can I Change my level to a level below my current one? I wanted to level up and try higher level pvp and now I'm regretting it big time to the point that I may remake my character. (which would absolutely suck)

Like I said I emailed support and got an odd response. I don't remember their exact wording (I deleted the message :\ ) but I do know it said something like, "we try to please everyone but some problems can't be solved at this time."

As you can see I'm very confused about the whole situation. First I got friends saying its possible, then I get an odd response from my email. Can anyone help me out? I'd appreciate it. Thanks