Hi guys, so I just thought I should share this because it seems I have found something...

When I first got into the games a few months back I checked out the forums a bit and noticed a lot of people saying they were having issues installing the game saying it's not compatible. Then I came across a post by the Dev's during the Beta saying "Dark Legends is a bigger game and will require more horsepower from you device, so beware last gen device users." So this got me thinking, I have a lot of friends with all kinds of devices, maybe I could find something out. (I work IT, I love finding little issues like this. It's a hobby now.) Then I asked them all to send me what phone they have so I could look up the Specs and asked them to try to download the game.

Here's a little background for those who don't know. www.phonearena.com is my favourite site to do with phone specs. They go more in depth and that saves techs like myself more time when needing information on stuff. I share this so that if you're having issues with your phone not downloading the game you can look it up here.

SO! Here's the basic deal of things that I found. SmartPhones are just tiny computers if you didn't know that. And to run a computer game you need both a Processor and RAM. I found, through testing this with about 20 of my friends that those who had phones with less than 800mhz processors AND 200MB of RAM in their phones can't install DL and get the whole incompatible thing. In other words, that seems to be about the minimum combination you need to get the game to install and run.

Quick backtrack, most SmartPhones that are over a year old generally only hold 600mhz processors and 100-250 MB of RAM because that was about the most you could put into the TINY little pieces needed to go into the phone. Manufacturers wanted to make the phones sleeker more than powerful. So I guess when PL and SL launched that was the equipment they had on hand to say "Hey does it work on this phone?"

Anyway, I did notice a few other things going on with a couple of my friends. One had a phone with 850mhz and 158MB of RAM. He was able to downlaod, but playing was iffy, most of the time the game wouldn't load. I'm assuming it was more to do with RAM. I also found a phone with 800mhz and 258MB RAM and it downloaded, but again would crash constantly.

I don't have access to EVERY phone on the market, or that was on the market. I just have some cool friends who helped me out. That being said there may be loopholes out there somewhere. Phones that should be under powered but manage to play DL fine. I don't know. I just figured since I didn't see this information on the forum's already I should share.

Oh, and my phone is rocking 1200Mhz with 768MB of RAM and if I want to kill my battery and turn off the battery saver it runs as smooth as a movie and actually plays nicer than on Chrome. Just saying.

Have fun all, and I hope that I helped someone somehow. I know there were a lot of questions as to "When will STS make the game compatible for my phone!?" I think it's not that they won't, it's that they can't.