Well I was bored and I thought this would be fun!

So the point of this is to make up a story behind your character, so its like what happened to them to make them who they are!!

Here are mine!

For Pocket Legends.

I am a bear who was born in a far land from Altaira, but I saw the pain the land was going through, I took a harsh but long travel, through that travel I fought some horrible monsters. I did not give up only because I knew I was Altaira last chance, once I reached my destination I searched for the Elf queen to see what epic duty I could be sent on to save these people and there land! Through out these rough missions she sent me on I fought Zombies, Evil witches, Vampires, and Now she is sending me and my team to a new land, a land of legend, where they speak of using all three skills, but this story has made me who I am today!

For Star legends.

I was sent out to space to capture the "unknown power source", once we hit full speed our engine began to fail, but it was then I realized we were under attack, after that it all goes black and I wake up in a room, not knowing where I am or how I got here, a man with a long read beard and claw for hand walks in a few minutes after I woke up. He asks me "Why are you here lad?", I did not answer, he called in a few troops of his and told them to torch it out of me. They didn't know what to do so they took the swords and cut down both my eyes, after the bloody scream of mine they told me they had searched my ship and killed my crew, it went black again. Once I woke up I was in a place called Black Star with many coming to my aid. That's how I got here.

For dark legends.

I was born in a dark time a time of the plague, Many loved ones died around me. I knew I would get the plague sooner or later, and I did at Age 26. Sitting in my where it is pitch black, I heard something walk towards me, then I feel to sharp needle like things surface my neck. When I awoke I was greeted by a kind lady, she offered me a red drink, I said "No thank you I am fine.", I explained to her I had the plague, she explained I was now a vampire, and that she would train me. She had put me through the same training she went through, She was now my master. In the year 2006, there was a dark day that fell on June 14, my master was killed, and now I looking for her killer.

These are just for fun!! They don't have to be exactly like the game, be creative, have fun!!
Hope you enjoyed!
