Quote Originally Posted by vampinoy View Post
On the looks department, the designs of both the Volcanut and the "GreenTurion" (yea i just called it that) are less awesome, but you all have to realize that the beauty of the CoP does not rely ONLY on its looks but more importantly on the meaning behind the CoP which is "elite factor"...it takes time to build a reputation of an item...it has to undergo time for people to realize what they missed, that is what's making CoP amazing. With new generation of people coming, they look at the CoP as something jaw dropping because of what it symbolizes. If we are to base only on looks then the Omnipotent crown of dreams makes the CoP look childplay, but there's no meaning to Omnipotent Crown except platinum which is shallow that's why nobody is going gaga over it. What I'm saying is, someday, both the Volcanut and Greenturion will have "meaning", and when that day comes, people will see it as an awesome item like CoP. Just hold on to it, it's an investment, someday it will yield dividends in the form of prestige and purpose, that's beauty far more important than looks.
Hmmm, well said.