First of all, just wanted to say I was pretty glad when STS raised the drop rate.

Before the patch with the raise, I saw only 2 pink Humanian Helms on the CS.

A few hours after the patch, I now can see over 15 pink helms.
Monster Bash.

Friend told me.

Within 10 runs, you're pretty much guaranteed a Humanian pink for someone in your party.
It's crazy.
Considering the prices of the pinks, anyone who spams Monster Bash can easily make a few million in two hours.

Raising this pink drop rate DOES NOT help the people who don't buy Platinum as much as it does for those who buy Platinum.
The amount of pinks doubled EXPONENTIALLY within a few hours of the release.
I'm pretty sure the pink drop rate for Mount Fang was just as low, or maybe not AS lethal as the drop rate here, and I didn't see as many players complaining about it then.


1. Keep the drop rate like it was before the update in Monster Bash. It gives a HUGE disadvantage for those who do not buy Platinum.
Then, those who wish to have this newer, higher drop rate can be persuaded into farming the normal 5 Humania campaign maps for pinks as well.

A few friends and I are angry at this; we were looking to spam Humania's last two maps for a few hours each day to make some rare-endgame pink gold.
I believe many others had this in mind as well.
Now with this "Monster Bash", it's so easy to get a Humania Pink now, killing any chance for actually earning much from a new release.