It seems that pvp has become worse and worse. I'm not going to say I've been getting teamed and rushed. I generally come out on top of those situations.
But everytime I get "rushed", I tend to get pmed very disturbing things.
It's time I take a break, let the bad ones leave and rejoin when I feel like everyone who has harassed me, left.
I wanna say thanks for everything and all the help to the following: Apollo, Elyseon, Shugie, Kanital (his "helping" really made me think), Everyonesfavmage, Marry Poppins, Taekarin, Buddah, Elitephoenix, Brodin, and everyone in Generation.
Btw. The names up at the top ARE my twinks, if you feel the need to flame me, go ahead and send me a pm, leave it off my post.