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Standards Of Conduct

Core Rules

Midnight Pleasures only accepts members into its ranks that are of similar personalities, goals and values to its own. All of our members support and follow our core guild rules and anyone who cannot, is removed. Our core rules include, but are not limited to:

1. Guild First: We expect all members to ensure that all actions they take are done in the mindset of 'guild first'. Anything a member does reflects on the overall guild image and on all fellow members. We expect members to only take actions that reflect positively on the guild image that we have worked very hard to build and maintain.

2. We recruit the PERSON not the TOON. We look for good PEOPLE not only a toon that meets a specific set of requirements. As such members of Midnight Pleasures cannot be a member of any other guild unless tasked to do so or with valid reason/s.

3. It is not permitted to relay any information outside the guild, for any reason, at any time. We do not share information with the public except through official channels and officially sanctioned outlets. Therefore no member should reveal any information, no matter how minor they may think it is, outside the guild.

4. Participate In Guild Events. You are expected to take place in as many of them as possible. We understand people have lives and cannot live within the online world and that is alright. But if you are online, and we are having a guild event of some sort, you need to be there and participating in it. Actively working against the guild on any mission will result in immediate and permanent removal.

5. Leadership roles in Midnight Pleasures are decided based on demonstrated ability as well as the need for a leader in a particular spot. You can be assured that your leaders are working hard to make the game more fun for you. While the reason behind every decision may not always be apparent at the moment an order is issued, all orders from Officers need to be immediately followed. If errors are made, they should be reported to the GM where they will be dealt with and, if needed, changes made to the Officer team. Absent those changes, all officers should be listened to as though it was GM issuing the order.

6. We are a TEAM of FRIENDS. Backing up your guildmates is expected because they will do the same for you. Syndicate members understand that sometimes personal character sacrifice is needed for the team to complete a mission. We dont view it as personal sacrifice, however, because we are helping out a friend and that is more important than loot or pixels on a screen. Games come and go. Midnight Pleasures and the friendships within it, remain.

7. Deadweight is not needed in the guild. Failure to maintain an acceptable level of activity will result in your removal. Simply vanishing off the face of the earth without any notice is taken as a sign you have quit the guild and membership is removed.

8. Members who cannot follow core rules and standards, are removed from the guild.