So a buddy of mine let me use his 66 humania set. I went into pvp to mess around, since I quit for a while. I kinda missed it. I went ready to tear holes in some mages. This however was not the case. Even with 65-70 dodge or so, 280 armor. I was dying to easy. Birds wasn't an issue but mages. One mage hit a 340 drain on me. Followed my a hot flash. It's not even fair anymore. Mages have as much armor as me after buff. And a ton more damage and crit. Now I understand as my bear, I'm coming from 55 where mages are easy.

Seeing the armor and dodge of mages, there is no more reason for a pally. A pally literally has 10 more armor then a int mage. Plus less mana regen, maybe with 15 more dodge. Followed by less skill damage. Instead of having 7 on each skill don't you think its time for a revamp. I mean hitting a 340 drain on 280 armor is a little much.